About Parvez Dhailwal

Hello there! I'm Parvez Dhaliwal, co-founder of One Vision, and I come from the beautiful town of Abbotsford, BC. Before diving into this, a little about I’ve recently graduated from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor in Arts. Currently, enrolled into Law school and working towards a career in law!

So, why did we start One Vision? Well, it's rooted in a simple belief—our community is full of good people, but sometimes the resources fall short. We saw an opportunity to create something that not only gives back but also provides a platform for anyone in the community to join in and make a difference.

One Vision is more than just a charity; it's a place where people, like stars in the sky, can come together and brighten our shared future.

Our journey so far? It's been a wild ride—full of ups and downs, challenges, and victories. But with each twist and turn, our commitment to making a positive impact has only grown stronger.

So, here's to One Vision, a place where kindness and community come together to create something amazing. The adventure is just beginning, and I'd love for you to be a part of it!